The TWIST Spanish Living Lab has an innovation focus in wastewater treatment and reuse and has been named Open Water Living Lab, OWL2.
OWL2 is already working and testing innovative solutions for wastewater treatment, some of them resulting from synergies with other projects.
Here we summarize some of the pilots and prototypes that are being developed in TWIST Spanish Living Lab, OWL2:
Low carbon wastewater treatment systems
OWL2 will host three systems for the treatment of low carbon wastewater: EXTensive systems based on the sun, improved in performance and environmental footprint, with a surface requirement below 1 m2 / PE.
Membrane Aerated Biological Reactor pilot
OWL2 has tested, during a year, a pilot from the Israeli company Fluence, which treatment system is the MABR (Membrane Aerated Biological Reactor) technology, based on passive aeration, that is, the diffusion of oxygen through membranes using a low pressure aeration flow.
Drying sludge with solar energy prototype
OWL2, completed the construction of a prototype for drying sewage sludge and leachate through the use of concentration solar technologies.
Forced aeration Constructed Wetland with Filtralite-P substrate for phosphorus removal prototype
To test the behavior of a sustainable purification system using air flows, clays and plants, to find best solution for urban wastewater treatment facilities in rural areas, and the control of phosphorus levels in sensitive areas.
Algae-bacteria mixed culture photobioreactor
The Algae-bacteria mixed culture photobioreactor is based on a mixed process in which the oxidation of organic matter and the removal of nutrients (N and P) simultaneously occur without the need for aeration, and therefore with minimal energy consumption.
Electrochemical biofilters are being inoculated in the facilities of OWL2
Two units of electrochemical biofilters of the startup METfilter S.L. are being inoculated in the facilities of OWL2 in CENTA.
Further there are other side activities that enrich the TWIST Spanish Living Lab activity such as the Blue Economy Technology Transfer Program, where were launched two calls: 1) Call for technologies: 3 technologies will be selected to design the best marketing route for each of them. 2) Call for researchers: 12 researchers will be selected to train and work with the selected technologies, applying the necessary resources for their transfer to the market.
Further OWL2 is developing synergies with Saraswati 2.0 project that aims to Identify the best available technologies for decentralized wastewater treatment and resource recovery in India.
OWL2 is located in Carrión de los Céspedes, near Seville, in CENTA installations, and is an open to all that are curious about innovation in wastewater treatment and reuse.