Message from TWIST Coordinator
Water challenges, current and future, require an even greater effort in terms of innovation, involving all the actors in the sector, both those with a long history in research and development (academia & business) and the public authorities (source of financing). But society shall not be left behind. It’s time for society to forget its passive role in the innovation chain and to be in a central place, becoming a key actor for social innovation.
The main objective of TWIST project is to create new transnational and trans-regional partnerships between different agents of the water sector with the ability to mobilize existing and create new Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) processes towards the compliance of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives and the promotion of Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI). TWIST will address technological perspective of wastewater management, wastewater treatment solutions and water regeneration in the frame of a circular economy approach but will also comprise the societal framework.
TWIST project will create an innovative organization and open collaboration model for transnational and transregional co-creation, experimentation and evaluation of innovative products based in close-to-real life scenarios through the creation three Water Living Labs, in France, Spain and Portugal. But TWIST will also produce a Joint Strategy for Mutual Learning and Capitalization of the Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) of the participating regions, a Market Place and a Business School in the water field.
It is already 12 months since a multidisciplinary team formed by 11 enthusiastic partners from six SUDOE regions started to make TWIST a reality. Joint us in this new era of innovation!
Efficiently yours,